Our Story

Founded by a frustrated teacher

Edventive is here to help teachers who feel like me.

Before I started teaching, I had no idea how often teachers ended the workday with piles of administrative work to take home with them.

Over and over again.

Every week, every month, every semester, every school year.

Then I started teaching and quickly got frustrated. The workload was unsustainable - especially around report card season - and I wanted to figure out how I could get my time and my life back.

I realized I could save myself hours of frustration by automating my repetitive administrative tasks, but didn't have access to tools that would help.

The software mandated by my district wasn't helping and often just added to my workload, so I started teaching myself how to code in order to build my own solutions.

Several years and thousands of hours of coding later, I founded Edventive to help teachers like me save hours on weekly administrative tasks with simple, intuitive and flexible software built for us.

– Jonathon